Actions |
Call Number |
Title  |
Author |
929.1 Crow |
31 days to better genealogy. |
Crow, Amy Johnson |
929.1 Wein |
Adoptee's guide to DNA testing: how to use genetic genealogy to discover your long-lost family. |
Weinberg, Tamar |
929.1 Morgan |
Advanced genealogy research techniques. |
Morgan, George G. and Drew Smith. |
979.8 Brad |
Alaska sources: a guide to historical records and information resources. |
Bradbury, Connie Malcolm and David Albert Hales. |
978.6 YELLOW Zimm |
Along the Zimmerman Trail. |
Zimmerman, Charles |
910.3 Kane |
American counties: a record of the origin of the names of the 3,072 counties, dates of creation and organization, area, population, historical data, etc. of the fifty states. |
Kane, Joseph N. |
929.1085 Tepp |
American passenger arrival records: a guide to the records of immigrants arriving at American ports by sail and steam. -- Updated and enlarged. |
Temper, Michael |
929.1075 Green |
American population before the Federal Census of 1790. |
Greene, Evarts B. and Virginia D. Harrington |
973 Bock |
American settlements and migrations: a primer for genealogists and family historians. |
Bockstruck, Lloyd de Witt |
943.1 Wrig |
Ancestors in German archives: a guide to family history sources. |
Wright, Raymond S. |
942.1 Herber |
Ancestral trails: the complete guide to British genealogy and family history. -- 2nd edition. |
Herber, Mark |
978.6 DAWSON Kauf |
As I remember...stories of eastern Montana's pioneers.
Kauffman, Gladys Mullet |
978.6 MCCONE Broc |
As it was yesterday. (Brockway, Mont.)
Brockway Homemakers Club. |
978.6 CARBON Lamp |
At the foot of the Beartooth Mountains, a history of the Finnish Community at Red Lodge, Montana. |
Lampi, Leona |
912.73 Read |
Atlas of American: our nation in maps, facts and pictures. |
Reader's Digest Association. |
946.1 Flor |
Beginner's guide to Hispanic genealogy. |
Flores, Norma |
978.6 YELLOW Beth |
Beth Aaron Cemetery [Billings, Mont.]. |
Yellowstone Genealogy Forum. |
978.6 POWDER Irio |
Beyond echoing footsteps. |
Irion, LaVeta, ed. |
016.973 Filby |
Bibliography of American county histories. |
Filby, P. William |
978.6 YELLOW Stev |
Billings A to Z. |
Stevens, Karen D. and Dee Ann Redman. |
978.6 YELLOW Polk |
Billings city directory including Yellowstone County. |
R.L. Polk & Co. |
CD 978.6 YELL BGObit2 |
Billings Gazette obituaries from January 2015 through December 2017 -- CD Rom. |
Yellowstone Genealogy Forum, compiler. |
978.6 YELLOW BilG |
Billings memories: the early years, a pictorial history. |
Billings Gazette (Billings, Mont.) |
978.6 CHOUTEAU Lepl |
Birthplace of Montana: a history of Fort Benton. |
Lepley, John G. |
978.6 GALLATIN Smit |
Bozeman and the Gallatin Valley: a history. |
Smith, Phyllis |
929.1036 Stur |
Bringing your family history to life through social history. |
Sturdevant, Katherine Scott |
942 Ashl |
British kings and queens; the complete biographical encyclopedia of the kings and queens of Great Britain. |
Ashley, Mike |
978.6 YELLOW Rue |
Broadview in review: 80 years along the buffalo trail. |
Rue, Betty L. |
978.6 BROAD Broa |
Broadwater bygones: a history of Broadwater County. |
Broadwater County [Mont.] Historical Society. |
978.6 SILVER McGl |
Buried in Butte. |
McGlasham, Zena Beth |
978.6 SILVER James |
Butte's memory book. |
James, Don with photos by C. Owen Smithers, Sr. |
943.1 Breul |
Cassell's new German and English dictionary with a phonetic key to pronunciation. |
Breul, Karl |
929.1075 Doll |
Census substitutes and state census records: substitute name lists for 50 states and state censuses for 38 states. -- 2nd edition. |
Dollarhide, William |
970.3 CHER Gorm |
Cherokee connections, an introduction to genealogical sources pertaining to Cherokee ancestors. |
Gormley, Myra Vanderpool |
977.3 COOK Szucs |
Chicago and Cook County sources: a genealogical and historical guide. |
Szucs, Loretto Dennis |
978.6 PARK Wood |
Chico Cemetery 1884-2014. |
Woodley, Carol |
941 Grant |
Clans and tartans of Scotland. |
Grant, Neil |
974 Weis |
Colonial clergy and the colonial churches of New England. |
Weis, Frederick Lewis |
942 Ekwall |
Concise Oxford dictionary of English place-names.-- 4th edition. |
Ekwall, Eilert |
978.6 Robi |
Confederates in Montana Territory: in the shadow of Price's Army. |
Robison, Ken |
978.6 RICH Cour |
Courage enough: Mon-Dak family histories, Richland County, Montana. -- Bicentennial edition. |
929.1087 Rose |
Courthouse research for family historians: your guide to genealogical treasures. |
Rose, Christine |
948.91 Poul |
Danish genealogical helper. |
Poulsen, Elly M. and Gay P. Kowallis, editors. |
929.1072 D262 |
Dating old photographs 1840-1929: a Family Chronicle publication. |
Chapman, Jeff |
978.6 GOLDEN Gord |
Dawn in Golden Valley: a county in Montana. |
Gordon, Albie; Margaret Lehfeldt and Mary Morsanny. |
929.4 Hanks |
Dictionary of American family names. |
Hanks, Patrick, editor. |
942.1 Bard |
Dictionary of English and Welsh surnames with special American instances. |
Bardsley, Charles Wareing |
942.1 Fitz |
Dictionary of genealogy. -- 4th ediiton. |
Fitzhugh, Terrick V.H. |
CD 929.1087 Black |
Dictionary of law containing definitions of the terms and phases of Americana and English jurisprudence, ancient and modern. [Blacks law dictionary]. [1891 and 1910 editions on CD Rom]. |
Black, Henry Campbell |
943.81 Pogo |
Dictionary, Polish-English, English-Polish. |
Pogonowski, Iwo |