Yellowstone County Montana Query Request
Yellowstone Genealogy Forum
Billings, Montana Billings 1935 Looking East on Montana Ave

Research Requests

The Yellowstone Genealogy Forum will answer queries
for information as quickly as possible.   
The Forum charges a $15.00 non-refundable fee to answer any query request.  This fee covers the cost of research time, up to three (3) photocopies and postage.
To begin your request, please mail the form (see link below) and a check or money order made out to Yellowstone Genealogy Forum.  Once your fee and request have been received, research will begin.  You will be contacted by e-mail if the cost of research exceeds the $15.00 fee.
Please enclose a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope and $15.00 fee to the Forum.
Mail requests, along with this form, to:
Yellowstone Genealogy Forum - Research
c/o Billings Public Library
510 North Broadway
Billings MT 59101
OR - you can use PayPal, with an additional charge of 2.9% plus 30 cents per transaction (rounded up to $16)
Research request can be sent via e-mail to 
Research will commence once payment has been verified.
Ignore login - Select credit card or debit card.